If you're using a Mac, you have to install these on your machine (or ask me to do it).
sudo /Volumes/Antelope_5.3/Install_antelope
Once this has installed, add the following line to your .bashrc file:
. /opt/antelope/5.3/setup.sh
Yes, you need to period that starts the line. It does the same thing as "source" in C-shell, i.e. it executes the filename that follows.
During the install process you should have been prompted to register for a license. If you are on the Linux network, you don't need this. Just ask Glenn for a copy. If you are on a Mac and weren't asked, run register_antelope:
You'll be prompted to type in some information. An email will be automatically sent to BRTT (creators of Antelope). And within a few hours you will probably receive a license.pf file back from BRTT which you must copy to your Antelope installation, e.g.:
sudo cp Downloads/license.pf /opt/antelope/5.3/data/pf/
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
svn checkout http://gismotools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ gismotools
Then start MATLAB and edit your startup.m file. Your startup file is executed each time you restart MATLAB, so it sets your MATLAB environment, rather like a .bashrc or .cshrc file:
>> edit startup
Add the following line to it:
Run startup again (or restart MATLAB). You should now be able to use any functions, classes and packages within the GISMO toolbox.
- Glenn, 2013/09/04